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Wealth management

Why are the electronic documents becoming the new market standard?

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Thanks to the development of electronic signatures, e-documents can now be treated as a full replacement for the paper copies of any banking documents that you used to receive via traditional mail. This brings a lot of ways how you and your company can benefit when using the right tool. Now with the direct integration between custodian banks and WealthArc, you can have 24/7 access at any time from any place in the world straight from our application.

No more paper copies

With WealthArc you can finally forget about going through the stack of paper in the morning, scanning, labeling and even physically keeping them. Those days are gone, and all those time-consuming tasks will be done automatically by our top-notch archiving solution.

Every bank has its naming conventions and categories of electronic documents, which can add up to over 1000 possible documents that could be received from custodians. WealthArc helps you with the hassle by automatically labeling the e-documents into the main groups such as portfolio statements, account statements, advice, confirmations, tax reporting, and others.

Automated secure delivery and archiving

WealthArc offers a comprehensive overview of all your documents with advanced matching and search functions. Our e-documents module allows you to quickly find any document by portfolio, custodian, date, or any relevant search criteria you might have. Our matching algorithm helps you organize the e-documents by attaching them automatically to a given portfolio and even to your trade orders which gives you even more easy and intuitive access to the e-documents.

WealthArc is already integrated with some of the biggest custodian banks in Switzerland and we are working on connecting to even more. We are aware that not all of the banks offer an automatic transfer of e-documents yet, hence manual upload of e-documents has been implemented to give you an opportunity to maintain and upload e-documents manually. With just a few clicks you can add and attach any e-document to your portfolios.

Electronic Documents – benefits summary

To sum up all the benefits provided by electronic documents, we’ve prepared the list putting them all together:

  • Cost-saving – e-documents are offered free of charge from custodian banks as well as from WealthArc. There is no cost for the postage of the processing of paper copies anymore.
  • Time-saving – you can now focus on your core business. WealthArc will archive and keep all your e-documents for you automatically. You also don’t waste any time waiting for the paper copies to arrive via post.
  • Environment friendly – no paper is used nor transportation is required
  • Convenience – e-documents are immediately available through WealthArc platform at any time anywhere in the world
  • Security – all files are stored securely thanks to our state-of-the-art security architecture and are available only to authorized users
  • Unlimited storage – you don’t have to worry about your hard drive or storages, WA offers unlimited space for your e-documents

Future horizons

Electronic documents are becoming the new market standard and as the technology evolves, physical copies are becoming history. We have seen a huge interest among our clients, as they do not only speed up the daily job, make it easier from an admin perspective, but also contribute to saving the environment. The e-documents module was launched only at the end of Q1, however so far WealthArc already automatically processed over 15 thousand e-documents!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to get more insight into this feature or if you would like to ask any questions regarding e-documents to our experts.


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